We have all heard parenting horror stories in the world of youth sports, but what about the good ones? Why don't we hear inspiring stories about the many great parents out there? Contrary to what some believe, they're not extinct. They're out … [Read more...]
6 Parenting Practices that will Empower your Child/Athlete
The Parent/Athlete Relationship Part 3: 6 Parenting Practices that will Empower your Child/Athlete Everyone wants their child to excel. The reason that you are reading this article is because you want the answer to the big question. How can I … [Read more...]
7 Things That Made Playing for My Dad a Great Experience
The Parent/Athlete Relationship Part 2: Playing for Pops Game day. This was the best team my dad had coached to this point. All the guys grew up playing together and were now seniors. With Jaden leading his band of brothers, we were 20-0 and … [Read more...]
The Parent/Athlete Relationship Part 1: The Usual Suspects
The Parent-Athlete Relationship Part 1: The Usual Suspects Last weekend, I went to my 5 year old nephew’s coach pitch little league baseball game. I was thoroughly enjoying the experience of watching these little kids have fun playing … [Read more...]