The book is finally out. It is available now in the Createspace estore (Click here to pick one up) and (click here) and will be available on Kindle next week. First of all, I want to thank my Dad and my teammates for making this a story possible. I don’t think anyone has ever had more fun playing the game than I did, and my desire is to share that journey with others.
This isn’t a parenting self-help book, and it’s not a how-to manual on becoming a great player. It’s a story. A story of a fire that was burning in the soul of a young basketball player. A story of a coach who built a winning basketball culture that turned a tiny school in Tennessee into one of the most successful and recognized programs in the state. A story of a father who coached his son for 9 straight years… AND WE STILL TALK.
It’s a look through the eyes and heart of the child, the player, the head coach’s son. The journey was one filled with exhilarating highs, unexpected and heartbreaking lows, and the life lessons that both father and son learned along the way.
Players who read this story will relate to the situations that surround growing up in basketball and be challenged to think outside the box, take an honest, hard look at themselves, and ask one question, “Does what I’m doing line up with who I want to be?”
It’s not a fairy tale, but a real life account of the upbringing, the empowering, the conflict, and the process that molded a player who got as much enjoyment and learning experiences playing the game as anyone who ever donned a uniform, and the father/coach who made it all possible.

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I hope you all enjoy reading about the journey as much I did writing about it. I believe in this book’s message. But as a self-published author, I really need your help in getting the story out there. So if you enjoy the book and believe that it can help people, and you find the story entertaining, Here are some things you can do:
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