“Have no fear of perfection. You’ll never reach it.” -Salvador Dali Referees. Officials. Blue. Stripes. Zebras. Whatever you choose to call them. There is one thing about them that you can’t deny- THEY ARE PEOPLE. And one thing that is true of all … [Read more...]
Elevate Your Team: We Talkin Bout Practice
“Practice man. We talkin’ bout practice. Not a game. Practice.” -A.I. Practice Everyone at some point in their career has loathed going to practice. It’s just part of being a player. I’m not gonna talk about the days you feel great and are … [Read more...]
Elevate Your Team: Buy-In
The season is right around the corner. I want to share a concept that could drastically change the course of your season as well as your overall enjoyment of it. It’s very simple… BUY-IN. Coaches in every program have to work very hard to get … [Read more...]
How to Become a College Basketball Player
Will I Get the Chance to Play in College? The Stress Is Killing Me
I know. It’s hard. Trust me I’ve been there. You play it cool like it doesn’t bother you and keep it mostly to yourself, but it is driving you crazy. All you've ever wanted was to play college basketball. Those thoughts that go through your … [Read more...]
“I Played for My Dad for 9 Years, and We Still Talk”
The book is finally out. It is available now in the Createspace estore (Click here to pick one up) and Amazon.com (click here) and will be available on Kindle next week. First of all, I want to thank my Dad and my teammates for making this a story … [Read more...]
ELEVATE YOUR TEAM- Partners in Crime
Improvement in basketball is mostly an individual thing. Serious players must get in the gym and work on their game on their own if they want to be the best they can be. But does it always have to be an individual thing? Especially now, in the … [Read more...]
ELEVATE YOUR TEAM: The Dangerous Trend of Individualizing Basketball
Basketball is a team game played by individuals. In the past decade, I have noticed a dangerous trend that is extremely detrimental to players, coaches, teams, and the game itself. Basketball is becoming an individual game played by teams. When I … [Read more...]
The Great Sports Parent- Jim Cudd
We have all heard parenting horror stories in the world of youth sports, but what about the good ones? Why don't we hear inspiring stories about the many great parents out there? Contrary to what some believe, they're not extinct. They're out … [Read more...]
Introducing All In Hoops Chattanooga
All In Hoops Mission To inspire and empower players to become the best version of themselves on and off the court. All In Hoops Chattanooga All in Hoops is a Chattanooga based organization founded by Josh Templeton that specializes in player … [Read more...]